Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Benefits of Meal Support: Reciprocal Gains (no pun intended)

Hello everyone. I have found it touching and encouraging to know that many have been reading my musings in my journey in early sobriety and aren't completely turned off. I know for myself that without personally witnessing the journey of others who had been where I was, who knew the depths of fear and rigid need for control that drive me to do my crazy behaviors, I would never have made the decision to open myself to surrender. For me this was a an actual physical witnessing beyond mere words on a page, my Higher Power knows me all too well and knows that beyond seeing the actual "burning bush" so to speak I wouldn't have believed in the validity of what was being spoken about. Even with personally witnessing many other's journeys, it has taken me almost 6 years to take the leap to surrender to the extent of allowing my Higher Power to make and prepare all my meals and snacks.

Once I had made the decision to allow God to feed me in the concrete act of allowing someone else to prepare and portion all my meals, "the universe conspired" to provide me with these hands of God, literally, "God in-skin." In the past month this has looked slightly different at various points, with different individuals providing different aspects of my meals and snacks, but for the entirety of this month my Higher Power has  provided for me through these individuals, to whom I am immensely grateful. For the last 3 weeks I have had a regular food "brigade"entailing the handoffs of bags of portioned foods in exchange for bags of emptied, clean tupperware ready for the next go around.

In the vein of reciprocity that comes with sharing authentic life with others, I want to post a link to reflections from one of my blessed friend's on her experience of providing me with meal support. Check out her blog at White Lotus Natural Medicine.

I am filled with love and gratitude for all the wonderful people willing to support me in my recovery.

I pray that others may be touched in positive ways by this blogging endeavor by being able to witness another's journey from multiple angles, if not personally, than at least in words.

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