Friday, May 24, 2013

Cooks/Taste Testers: Gluten-free Challenge BBQ Recipe "Skeleton"

Hello everyone, thanks for your willingness to consider helping me formulate a GF BBQ appropriate recipe.
Here is the skeleton I have been conjuring up in my head however, I have no idea on quantity, ease of preparation, how it tastes, and holds up to heat (maybe other geographical areas experience hot sun in the summer months when typical BBQs are held) etc.

Here is my introduction:
       When most people think of BBQs coleslaw is probably one of the food items that readily comes to mind. I would even venture to bet that it is in the category of "BBQ Foods" on Family Feud. I must admit I have always eyed it with suspicion and, I'm embarrased to admit, "foodie" self-rightousness thinking: "what a sad excuse for a vegetable dish!"  So what I offer here is a variation on your requisite  BBQ dish. Now you can sign up to bring the "vegetable dish" and deliver something I'm confident even your "BBQ traditionalists" will enjoy.

Growing up, I kept copious food journals in attempts to track symptoms: mental, emotional and physical, in relation to food and the abbreviation "BB" was my standard shorthand for blueberries. These antioxidant powerhouses are not only delicious but a burst with bioflavonoids, antioxidants that help decrease inflammation in the body.  Here in the Pacific Northwest "BBs" unfortunately are not availably locally grown in June. However, if you are anything like me and thoroughly enjoy the fun of "BB" picking, you've stocked your freezer full with these luscious morsels and are just waiting for new creative ways to incorporate them into meals. No longer relegated only to the breakfast or desert table, possibly in dishes that many Gluten-free folk may no longer be able to enjoy, "BBs" are delicious at any meal experience.

The "Q" stands for quinoa. A traditional Incan grain, in the last few years it has migrated it's way up and has made a remarkable impact on North America, especially in Gluten-free kitchens. Readers may be surprised to learn that quinoa in fact is a "psuedograin." It is technically/botanically speaking a seed of a plant in the goosefoot specices rather than a member of the grass family in which the great nemesis of us all resides, wheat. It is actually more closely related to beets and spinach than it is to wheat. It is one of the only plant foods that is a complete protein in itself containing the essential amino acid lysine that is often missing from grains. In its natural state it contains a saponin or soap-like coating. A natural glycoside, saponins help protect quinoa out in nature, thereby necessitating less artificial protection. However, saponins can be toxic in large quantities and to be removed prior to eating. Lucky for us, removal is as simple as rinsing the grains prior to cooking. You will see some bubbles arise, this is the soapy quality of the saponins. Two rinses is generally sufficient. Alternatively, you can find quinoa in packages that have already been "washed" of their coating and are labeled pre-rinsed: Ancient Harvest Quinoa is one that I know of with this specification.

Community (since you all will be participating in this I wanted to give credit where it is due) "BBQ" Slaw: Serves 8 (I figure it should aim to make a fair amount since it is a BBQ afterall) Best enjoyed with others!

1/2 large head organic nappa cabbage, shredded (experiment with different varieties and let me know)
1/2 large head red cabbage, shredded
1 head organic cauliflower, chopped finely (save stalk for making stock; feel free to experiment with different colored (natural of course) varieties)
1c organic unsweetened fresh blueberries (unsure if unsweetened freeze-dried blueberries would be preferable
1/2 c dry measure red or multicolored organic Quinoa
1 bunch organic scallions
Red wine vinegar
1tsp Cayenne
Black pepper
Sea salt

Okay, So that is the bear-bones. I need to get this post sent off and eat dinner!!
Ahh priorities- how easy to get lost (another post on identifying where my priorities are is in the workings)

Thanks all!!

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